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Hypernol uses

Pharmacological action

Hypernol is a cardioselective beta1-blocker without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity. This medication has antihypertensive, antianginal and antiarrhythmic action. Hypernol reduces the stimulatory effect on the heart sympathetic innervation and circulating catecholamines.

The hypotensive effect of this drug is associated with a decrease in minute volume of blood, decreased activity of the renin-angiotensin system, sensitivity of baroreceptors of the aortic arch (not going to enhance their activity in response to decreased blood pressure) and the effect on the CNS; manifested lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, decreasing stroke volume and cardiac output. In the medium therapeutic doses it has no effect on the tone of peripheral arteries.

The antianginal effect of Hypernol is associated with decreased myocardial oxygen demand by decreasing heart rate (lengthening of diastole and improved myocardial perfusion) and contractility, as well as reduced sensitivity to the effects of myocardial sympathetic innervation. Decrease in heart rate occurs at rest and during exercise.

The antiarrhythmic effect of this medicine is due to the elimination of arrhythmogenic factors (tachycardia, increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, increase of cAMP, hypertension), decrease in the rate of spontaneous excitation of the sinus and ectopic pacemakers and slowing of AV conduction.

The hypotensive effect lasts 24 hours, with regular admission is stabilized by the end of 2 weeks of treatment. The negative chronotropic effect is manifested by 1 h after administration, reaches a maximum after in 2-4 hours and lasts up to 24 hours.


After oral administration the absorption of Hypernol from the gastrointestinal tract is 50-60%, its bioavailability is 40-50%. This drug is practically not metabolized in the body; poorly penetrates the BBB. The plasma protein binding is 6-16%. T1/2 is 6-9 h. Hypernol is primarily excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form. Renal dysfunction accompanied mainly to the increase of T1/2 and cumulation. This medication is excreted during hemodialysis. For elderly patients T1/2 of Hypernol is increased.


Why is Hypernol prescribed?

Hypertension, hypertensive crisis, mitral valve prolapse, cardiac hyperkinetic syndrome of functional origin, neurocirculatory dystonia of hypertensive type.

Treatment: coronary artery disease, angina pectoris.

Treatment and prevention of: myocardial infarction (acute phase in stable hemodynamic parameters, secondary prevention).

Arrhythmias (including at the general anesthesia, congenital syndrome prolongation QT, myocardial infarction without signs of congestive heart failure, thyrotoxicosis), sinus tachycardia, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, supraventricular and ventricular premature beats, supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia, atrial tachyarrhythmia, atrial flutter.

Essential and senile tremor, agitation and tremors withdrawal syndrome.

In the combined therapy: hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, pheochromocytoma (only in combination with alpha-blockers), hyperthyroidism; migraine (prophylaxis).

Dosage and administration

The dosing regimen of Hypernol is set individually. The usual dose for adults for oral administration at the beginning of treatment is 25-50 mg 1 time / day. If necessary the dose is increased gradually. If impaired renal function in patients with CC 15-35 ml / min - 50 mg / day; with CC less than 15 ml / min - 50 mg every other day.

The maximum dose for adults for oral administration is 200 mg / day in 1 or 2 doses.

Hypernol side effects, adverse reactions

Cardiovascular system: in some cases - bradycardia, hypotension, AV-conduction disturbances, symptoms of heart failure.

Digestive system: at the beginning of therapy it is possible nausea, constipation, diarrhea, dry mouth.

CNS and peripheral nervous system: at the beginning of therapy may be fatigue, dizziness, depression, mild headache, sleep disturbances, coldness and paresthesia in extremities, reduced reactivity of the patient, reducing the secretion of tear fluid, conjunctivitis.

Endocrine system: reduced potency, hypoglycemic state in patients with diabetes.

Respiratory system: in predisposed patients - symptoms of bronchial obstruction.

Allergic reactions: itching.

Other: increased sweating, redness of the skin.


Hypernol contraindications

AV-block II and III degree, sinoatrial block, SSS, bradycardia, hypotension (in case of myocardial infarction, systolic blood pressure less than 100 mm Hg), cardiogenic shock, congestive heart failure IIB-III stages, acute heart failure, Prinzmetal's angina, lactation, concomitant use of MAO inhibitors, hypersensitivity to Hypernol.

Using during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Hypernol crosses the placental barrier, so use during pregnancy is only possible if the intended benefits to the mother justifies potential risk to the fetus.

Hypernol is excreted in breast milk, so if you need to use during lactation is recommended to stop breastfeeding.

Category effects on the fetus by FDA - D.

Special instructions

With caution use this medication in hepatic failure.

Hypernol should be used with caution in diabetes, COPD, metabolic acidosis, hypoglycemia, allergic reactions, a history of chronic heart failure (compensated), obliterating peripheral arterial disease (intermittent claudication, Raynaud's syndrome), pheochromocytoma, liver failure, chronic renal insufficiency, myasthenia gravis, hyperthyroidism, depression (including in history), psoriasis, pregnancy, elderly patients, in pediatrics (the efficacy and safety are not defined).

While taking Hypernol it can decrease tear fluid production, which is important for patients who use contact lenses.

Cancellation of this drug after prolonged treatment should be carried out gradually under medical supervision.

Upon the termination of the combined use of Hypernol and clonidine, clonidine treatment continued for several days after discontinuation of Hypernol, otherwise you may experience severe arterial hypertension.

When the need for inhaled anesthesia in patients receiving Hypernol Meliapharm, a few days before anesthesia to stop taking Hypernol or find a medication for anesthesia with minimal negative inotropic effects.

Patients whose work requires high concentration, the question of outpatient use of Hypernol should be addressed only after an assessment of individual response.

Hypernol drug interactions

Antiarrhythmic and anesthetic facilities increase cardiodepressive action of this drug (increased risk of developing bradycardia, arrhythmia, hypotension, heart failure).

Reserpine, methyldopa, clonidine, guanfacine, cardiac glycosides potentiate the negative chrono-, drome- and bathmotropic effect, insulin and other antidiabetic funds - hypoglycemia.

NSAIDs, estrogens, sympathomimetics, xanthines weaken the anti-hypertensive effect, absorption; sympatholytic, nitroglycerin, hydralazine, and other antihypertensive drugs increase it; antacids slow down this medication absorption.

Cimetidine inhibits the metabolism of Hypernol Meliapharm.

This medication prolongs the action of anti-depolarizing muscle relaxant, anticoagulant effect of coumarins.

Three / tetracyclic antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, hypnotics and alcohol potentiate CNS depression.

Hypernol is incompatible with MAO inhibitors.

Hypernol in case of emergency / overdose

Symptoms: bradycardia, AV block II-III degree, heart failure, respiratory failure, hypotension, bronchospasm, hypoglycemia.

Treatment: gastric lavage and the appointment of adsorbing medications; Symptomatic treatment: atropine, isoprenaline, orciprenaline, cardiac glycosides or glucagon, diuretics, pressor agents (dopamine, dobutamine or norepinephrine), selective beta-adrenoceptor agonists, IV glucose solution, installation of an artificial pacemaker. Perhaps dialysis.


Hypernol pharmaceutical active ingredients containing related brand and generic drugs:

Hypernol available forms, composition, doses:

Hypernol destination | category:

Hypernol Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical codes:

Hypernol pharmaceutical companies:



  1. Dailymed."ATENOLOL TABLET [LAKE ERIE MEDICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLY DBA QUALITY CARE PRODUCTS LLC]". https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym... (accessed August 28, 2018).
  2. Dailymed."ATENOLOL; CHLORTHALIDONE: DailyMed provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States. DailyMed is the official provider of FDA label information (package inserts).". https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym... (accessed August 28, 2018).
  3. "atenolol". https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/co... (accessed August 28, 2018).

Frequently asked Questions

Can i drive or operate heavy machine after consuming Hypernol?

Depending on the reaction of the Hypernol after taken, if you are feeling dizziness, drowsiness or any weakness as a reaction on your body, Then consider Hypernol not safe to drive or operate heavy machine after consumption. Meaning that, do not drive or operate heavy duty machines after taking the capsule if the capsule has a strange reaction on your body like dizziness, drowsiness. As prescribed by a pharmacist, it is dangerous to take alcohol while taking medicines as it exposed patients to drowsiness and health risk. Please take note of such effect most especially when taking Primosa capsule. It's advisable to consult your doctor on time for a proper recommendation and medical consultations.

Is Hypernol addictive or habit forming?

Medicines are not designed with the mind of creating an addiction or abuse on the health of the users. Addictive Medicine is categorically called Controlled substances by the government. For instance, Schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US are controlled substances.

Please consult the medicine instruction manual on how to use and ensure it is not a controlled substance.In conclusion, self medication is a killer to your health. Consult your doctor for a proper prescription, recommendation, and guidiance.



sdrugs.com conducted a study on Hypernol, and the result of the survey is set out below. It is noteworthy that the product of the survey is based on the perception and impressions of the visitors of the website as well as the views of Hypernol consumers. We, as a result of this, advice that you do not base your therapeutic or medical decisions on this result, but rather consult your certified medical experts for their recommendations.

Visitor reports

One visitor reported useful

How is the drug Hypernol useful in reducing or relieving the symptoms? How useful is it?
According to the survey conducted by the website sdrugs.com, there are variable results and below are the percentages of the users that say the medicine is useful to them and that say it is not helping them much. It is not ideal to continue taking the medication if you feel it is not helping you much. Contact your healthcare provider to check if there is a need to change the medicine or if there is a need to re-evaluate your condition. The usefulness of the medicine may vary from patient to patient, depending on the other diseases he is suffering from and slightly depends on the brand name.

Visitor reported side effects

No survey data has been collected yet

One visitor reported price estimates

What is your opinion about drug cost? Did you feel the cost is apt, or did you feel it is expensive?
The report given by the sdrugs.com website users shows the following figures about several people who felt the medicine Hypernol is expensive, and the medicine is not expensive. The results are mixed. The perception of the cost of the medicine to be expensive or not depends on the brand name of the medicine, country, and place where it is sold, and the affordability of the patient. You can choose a generic drug in the place of the branded drug to save the cost. The efficiency of the medicine will not vary if it is generic or a branded one.
Not expensive1

Two visitors reported frequency of use

How often in a day do you take the medicine?
Are you taking the Hypernol drug as prescribed by the doctor?

Few medications can be taken Twice in a day more than prescribed when the doctor's advice mentions the medicine can be taken according to frequency or severity of symptoms. Most times, be very careful and clear about the number of times you are taking the medication. The report of sdrugs.com website users about the frequency of taking the drug Hypernol is mentioned below.
Twice in a day1
Once in a day1

Visitor reported doses

No survey data has been collected yet

Two visitors reported time for results

What is the time duration Hypernol drug must be taken for it to be effective or for it to reduce the symptoms?
Most chronic conditions need at least some time so the dose and the drug action gets adjusted to the body to get the desired effect. The stastistics say sdrugs.com website users needed 1 month to notice the result from using Hypernol drug. The time needed to show improvement in health condition after using the medicine Hypernol need not be same for all the users. It varies based on other factors.
1 month1
3 month1

Visitor reported administration

No survey data has been collected yet

Visitor reported age

No survey data has been collected yet

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