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Ezerem uses

Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio information

Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio belongs to antihyperlipidemic category of drugs. Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is best effective in lowering the amount of absorbable amount of cholesterol in body. This drug amazingly reduces the amount of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. The power of Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio doesn't stop here. It also reduces the amount of apolipoprotein B protein that creates cholesterol in the blood. Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is the physician's first choice in bringing down cholesterol and tri-glyceride level in blood. Often, prescribed to be taken with low cholesterol diet and complementary lipid reducing drugs, Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is capable of stopping physical problems due to blocked blood vessels. Apart from this, Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is often used by doctors for treating other diseases. Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio cuts short all the life threatening risk factors caused due to higher cholesterol levels in blood. Patients suffering from cholesterol related problems may find this drug to be very effective and useful if taken regularly.

Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio warnings

Inform your doctor before taking Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio if you have liver disease or any kind of muscle pain or weakness. It is also safer to let the doctor know if you are taking any other such cholesterol reducing drug or restricted diet. Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio may not work to the fullest if you are suffering from overweight. Although it has not been tested on pregnant women, it has shown birth defects when tested on animal.

There is still doubt as to whether Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio passes into breast milk or not. But it is apprehended that it may cause serious disorders in nursing babies. So it is always recommended to consult your doctor if you are pregnant or breast-feeding before taking this drug. Children under the age of 10 should not be put on this drug. Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is not yet tested on older patients and is also not expected to create harmful effects in them.

Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio may not work in harmony with other drugs. Let your physician know if you are taking any of the following drugs:

Cholesterol-reducing drugs like such as gemfibrozil













Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio side effects

Intake of Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is followed by a host of side effects. Stop taking this drug instantly if you experience breathing trouble, closed throat, swollen lips, tongue, or face and take required medical aid from your doctor.

Side effects like high body temperature, headache, muscle pain, running nose, sore throat, body ache, chest pain, congestion, cough, diarrhea, difficulty in moving, drowsiness, stomach pain, soft and swollen glands in neck, tightness of chest, difficulty in swallowing, fatigue and voice changes are very common and less harmful.

Amongst the less found side effects of Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio, huge swelling of face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, sex organs, skin rash etc. are notable. Always seek a doctor's help if any of these side effects appears.

Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio overdose

Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio works wonder only when taken regularly and properly. Overdose of Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is not recommended and can be harmful. Symptoms of overdose are, however, not known. Nevertheless, rush to a doctor as soon as you feel that you have taken in a double dose.

Missing a dose of Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio may not be that harmful. Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. But if it is almost time for the next dose, skip the missed one and go for the scheduled one. time for the next dose, skip the missed dose and take only the next regularly scheduled dose. Do not take a double dose of the medication.

Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio Usage Guidelines

Your physician is the best person to provide you with the right usage guidelines. Regularity and punctuality are the keywords. Generally, it can be said that, Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio is taken with a full glass of water, once a day with or without food. If you are on bile acid sequestrant such as Cholestyramine (Locholest, Prevalite, Questran), colestipol (Colestid), or colesevelam (Welchol), take Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio 2 hours before or 4 hours after taking the acid sequestrant. While you are on Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio mediaction, take food low on cholesterol. Do not ignore taking medical tests if your doctor asks for. Also dont stop taking Ezerem Dr. Lazar Laboratorio without your doctor's approval.


Ezerem pharmaceutical active ingredients containing related brand and generic drugs:

Ezerem available forms, composition, doses:

Ezerem destination | category:

Ezerem Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical codes:

Ezerem pharmaceutical companies:



  1. Dailymed."ZETIA (EZETIMIBE) TABLET [LAKE ERIE MEDICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLY DBA QUALITY CARE PRODUCTS LLC]". https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym... (accessed August 28, 2018).
  2. Dailymed."EZETIMIBE: DailyMed provides trustworthy information about marketed drugs in the United States. DailyMed is the official provider of FDA label information (package inserts).". https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailym... (accessed August 28, 2018).
  3. "Ezetimibe". https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/co... (accessed August 28, 2018).

Frequently asked Questions

Can i drive or operate heavy machine after consuming Ezerem?

Depending on the reaction of the Ezerem after taken, if you are feeling dizziness, drowsiness or any weakness as a reaction on your body, Then consider Ezerem not safe to drive or operate heavy machine after consumption. Meaning that, do not drive or operate heavy duty machines after taking the capsule if the capsule has a strange reaction on your body like dizziness, drowsiness. As prescribed by a pharmacist, it is dangerous to take alcohol while taking medicines as it exposed patients to drowsiness and health risk. Please take note of such effect most especially when taking Primosa capsule. It's advisable to consult your doctor on time for a proper recommendation and medical consultations.

Is Ezerem addictive or habit forming?

Medicines are not designed with the mind of creating an addiction or abuse on the health of the users. Addictive Medicine is categorically called Controlled substances by the government. For instance, Schedule H or X in India and schedule II-V in the US are controlled substances.

Please consult the medicine instruction manual on how to use and ensure it is not a controlled substance.In conclusion, self medication is a killer to your health. Consult your doctor for a proper prescription, recommendation, and guidiance.



sdrugs.com conducted a study on Ezerem, and the result of the survey is set out below. It is noteworthy that the product of the survey is based on the perception and impressions of the visitors of the website as well as the views of Ezerem consumers. We, as a result of this, advice that you do not base your therapeutic or medical decisions on this result, but rather consult your certified medical experts for their recommendations.

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